Last Minute - Fashion Dress in The Present
News Update

Last Minute

Wearing: Mango Leather Pants | Front Row Shop Tee | Helmut Lang Jacket | ACNE Booties 

Now I know I'm not the only one running around doing some last minute New Years Eve shopping today, right? I'm so excited to be ringing in the new year with my closest friends but most importantly to be making some important resolutions. The first - which most of you may say "ditto" to is to live a more healthy lifestyle (with eating and exercise). The next, is to have more significant family time. My grandma is currently struggling for her life in the hospital and it has really made me appreciate my family even more than I already do. I hope you guys can help me pray for her <3 Lastly, I would like to keep growing my blog by becoming a positive influence in other girls lives. Whether it's through my style inspiration or life experiences I always hope to become somewhat of a role model for other young women. 

Have an amazing and safe night guys!! 

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