Amore & Sorvete and Poppy Lissiman - Fashion Dress in The Present
News Update

Amore & Sorvete and Poppy Lissiman

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This year the Fashion Central Runway at the Perth Fashion Festival was pumping with several shows each day. I made it to quite a number of these, and have tried to space out my coverage- so as to not hit you up with runway images all at once. One of the most colourful shows was a double sharing from Amore & Sorvete and Poppy Lissiman. 

Amore & Sorvete by Bridgette Gale, is one of WA's biggest swimwear labels. Stocked internationally on Shopbop, ASOS and Urban Outfitters and locally with a flagship store on Glyde Street in Mosman Park, it is evident that Bridgette has built a strong following in a short time. Currently conquering the US market, the El Mar SS13/ 14 Collection, shown at PFF was fresh from the Miami Swim Fashion Week.

The Mosman Park store, a bright, resort like affair, also stocks Bridgette's organic body care range. 
El Mar (Spanish for 'sea') is aptly named for a collection inspired by a recent trip to South America. Bold colours and cheeky Brazilian bikini lines, embrace a bright collection ready for the summer ahead. 

Poppy Lissiman Addition located in Times Square Claremont, is an eclectic store stocking Emma Mulholland, Three Floor, L'America and more. Created by the colourful Poppy Lissiman, the PFF runway showcased Spring Break collections with a distinct 90s twist. Slogans, reflective accessories, sporty jerseys, eye-catching leggings and big hair stormed the runway with bright smiles and attitude. 

I took a host of photos from both the Amore & Sorvete and Poppy Lissiman Addition runways, you can find them here

xx Jenelle
Instagram @jenellewitty

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