fusion: carly, chaun, noam, rachel, ana, charlie, nova, qi, jess, jenna, sissi, antonina and latonya by rafael stahelin for amica january 2014 amica , ana buljević , antonina petkovic , carly moore , charlie paille , chaun loose , editorial , jenna earle , jess gold , latonya challenger , noam frost , nova malanova , qi wen , rachel macknight , sissi hou models: carly moore (society), chaun loose (next), noam frost (society), rachel macknight (img), ana buljević (supreme), charlie paille (next), nova malanova (supreme), qi wen (wilhelmina), jess gold (supreme), jenna earle (next), sissi hou (img), antonina petkovic (society) and latonya challenger (supreme)photographer: rafael stahelinstylist: ye young kimhair: jawara wauchopemake-up: akiko sakamoto (see) Share with your friends Related Postsfusion: carly, chaun, noam, rachel, ana, charlie, nova, qi, jess, jenna, sissi, antonina and latonya by rafael stahelin for amica january 2014models: carly moore (society), chaun loose (next), noam… Read More