I haven't had a handbag, like a handbag handbag, in a long time. You know, the kind you can throw everything into and somehow they hold up and look like you've got your sh*t together?
Yehuh, I've recently needed me one of those.
Since working on my newest show I've found myself becoming a safe house for files, styling kits and day to day essentials. Clearly my Alice + Olivia cross body wasn't going to cut the mustard. Enter this babe from H&M. I have to admit that I'm pretty chuffed about it's expensive-looking aesthetic with a bargain price tag; this taupe honey managed to dupe even my most seasoned of fashionable friends.

You can get your hands on my H&M bag here, it also comes in a few different colours.
What is your day to day handbag?
Have a super Thursday all!
MB x