French toast - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Thursday, 13 March

French toast

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French toast is delicious way to use your leftover bread. It has rich and sweet flavor and you will love it.
Prepare it for breakfast, brunch or even a late night dinner, I wont tell anyone so don't worry! ;)
Here is a basic recipe!
1 egg
1/2 cup of milk
1/2 tablespoon of pure vanilla or vanilla sugar
pinch of cinnamon
2 toasts (or 2 bread slices)

Whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon.
Dip bread into mixture, allow to soak for a few seconds on each side.
Over medium heat melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a nonstick pan. 
Place bread at a time into the pan and cook until golden brown, approximately 2 to 3 minutes per side.

Serve it with maple syrup or honey with fresh fruits or ingredients by your choice.
Bon appétit!

p.s. in most of the recipes measure is 1/4 cup of milk per one egg, but I like to use 1/2.


Francuski tost je odličan način da iskoriste stari hleb koji vam je preostao, te sa vama danas delim recept za ovaj slatki i jednostavni obrok!
1 jaje
1/2 šolje mleka
1/2 kašike čiste vanile ili vanilin šećera
prstohvat cimeta
2 tosta (ili parčeta hleba)

Umutite jaje sa mlekom, vanilom i cimetom.
Umočite hleb u smesu par sekundi sa obe strane, dozvolite da upije.
Zagrejte tiganj (srednja temperatura), dodajte parče putera.
Kada se rastopi, pecite tost dok ne postane zlatno-braon boje.

Služite uz javorov sirup, ili u domaćoj verziji uz med i sveže voće.
Prijatno! :)

p.s. ukoliko želite da spremite veću meru, pravi odnos je: 1 jaje i 1/4 šolje mleka i začini prema ukusu, lično volim da bude malo tečnije, pa je moja razmera nešto drugačija! :)

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