Advice From Two TwentySomethings | NYC - LDN - Fashion Dress in The Present

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News Update
Friday, 14 March

Advice From Two TwentySomethings | NYC - LDN

I first stumbled across Amanda’s blog Advice From A Twenty Something a little over a year ago. I immediately connected with Amanda’s musings on life as a young woman, and the smart guidance Amanda shares on topics ranging from personal style, careers and interiors. We struck up an e-mail friendship and finally met in person in NYC when Ols and I were over a few weeks ago. It was SO nice to get to know each other better over coffee, and I can’t wait till one of us is again in the others’ city. 
Hiding from a rainy day in NYC!

Amanda and I share many similarities - age, blogging, ambitions . . . a love of great knitwear . . . ! But we also have had very different paths en route to getting where we are today. With this in mind, Amanda and I decided to interview one another on the lessons we have learnt so far as a Twenty Somethings. Here you can see Amanda’s answers to my interview with her, and you can head over the Amanda’s blog to see mine!

I hope you enjoy!

Name: Amanda Holstein

Age: 26

Occupation: Freelance Blogger & Content Marketer

City & Country of Residence: New York, NY USA

College/University Degree: Bachelors in Psychology from Emory University

MB: You recently moved to New York from San Francisco, how are you finding NYC compares to SF so far? 
It’s certainly a change of scenery, but I sort of knew what I was getting myself into since I grew up in the suburbs of NYC. I love how there’s always something new going on here and you never go to the same place twice. I do miss the beautiful scenery, better weather, and of course my friends back in San Francisco, but NY is a nice change of pace for now!

MB: How did you build up the momentum and confidence to move cities? New York is a BIG place!
I actually almost made the move about a year ago, but I didn’t feel quite ready for such a big change, so I decided to wait. I always think it’s best to listen to your gut, so that’s what I did. About six months after that I started thinking about making the move again and something felt different. I knew I could come back to SF if I really wanted to, and I truly believed that. I also knew I’d regret never living in NYC and that really motivated me to move forward with the move.

MB: What are your top tips for maximising a move to a new city? Both personally, and professionally? 
I highly recommend getting in contact with people – both friends and work contacts – as soon as you know you’re moving. I actually was in touch with a start-up last year when I was considering making the move and kept in touch with them periodically until I officially moved to NY. I just started working for them part-time so it definitely worked out! In terms of friends, there always seem to be more people you know than you think. Friends I haven’t thought about in years ended up reaching out when they knew I was moving and it’s been great reconnecting!

MB: Would you ever advise moving to a new location whilst looking for a job? Or do you think it is better to have a job secured? 
It can be stressful to move to an entire new city and apply for new jobs. If you have the budget, I would say wait until you get to your new city before you secure a new job. Although it’s good to start looking as soon as you can so you can atleast start making contacts and setting up interviews. But it’s such a stressful time, that if you can focus on one thing at a time – the move, and then the job – I’d recommend going that route! 

MB: What are your top tips for apartment hunting as a Twenty Something? 
Apartment hunting can be tough! I actually wrote a post with my tips on snagging an apartment here, although I realize it’s different for every city. The best thing you can do is be SUPER aggressive and persistent, and to be totally ready with your paperwork before everyone else – even before you see an apartment. For the most part, all apartments need the same paperwork (pay stubs, etc.), so have as much of it ready before you even start looking. 

MB: How do you bring your personality to a rented space? (Amanda has a beautiful apartment!)
I’m a huge fan of little trinkets and knick knacks. I pretty much save everything, but it’s so worth it. Having old books, printed photographs from high school, vintage mason jars from my trip to France, all make my apartment feel like me. Also, don’t be afraid to have fun with color. We’re in our twenties, so you might as well have fun. For instance, I opted for a green couch, a coral chair, and turquoise pillows. When else will I be able to go that crazy? 
MB: You share so much great advice on your blog, what is the one topic you seek the most advise on for yourself? And who, or where, do you get your advice from? 
I definitely ask my mom and dad for most of my own advice. My mom for advice on personal things like conflicts with friends, etc. And my dad is great for career advice. I’m also lucky enough to have an older brother and an older sister who are both extremely wise as well ☺.

MB: You work on Advise From A Twenty Something, whilst additionally freelancing for startups. Do you see a time when you would work 100% of the time on the blog, or do you prefer the split? If so, why does that work for you? 
I go back and forth with this, but I think my ideal situation would be working part-time on my blog and part-time for a startup. I get bored easily and like changing up my schedule every day. I think splitting my time between the two would be a perfect combination. Plus, it’s nice to have some consistent income from a freelance gig since the blog brings in a different amount every month.
MB: How do you make sure you strike a work/life balance? What is your favourite way to relax?
I am big on the work/life balance. I’ve never had a problem turning off the work switch, however the blog does tend to blend in with my relaxing TV time. My favorite way to relax is to snuggle up with my dog, a big blanket, and some candy and watch a movie!

MB: Working for yourself, who do you seek business mentorship from? Who is your best sounding board for ideas? 
When it comes to my blog, I often speak to other blogger or freelance friends for advice on financing or for bouncing ideas off of. 

MB: How do you differentiate your ‘writing voice’ from your natural thought pattern?
It definitely took some time to find my writing voice, and I’m certainly still nailing it down. At first, I found myself writing too formally or not sounding like myself. Sometimes I’ll stop and think how I’d say it to a friend and then go from there. It helps me keep my writing honest!

MB: Do you differentiate the life you share on social media, the blog etc with one which you keep private? How would you advise young girls growing up in this technological era, to maximise the media, whilst staying grounded? 
I would say I definitely keep my worlds separate. While I definitely share a lot of my personal life with my readers, I like to keep my work separate from my life. For instance, I never use my blog photos on my personal Facebook page. I like to keep that page more representative of my daily life with my friends, etc. And vice versa. 

MB: Which sites do you check in to daily? 
Treasures & Travels is a big one right now! I also always check on Sincerely, Jules. I love her style. I probably read a Refinery29 article (or two) everyday as well. 

MB: What are you most proud of achieving up till this point in your twenties? 
I’m proud that I’ve created my own business (my blog) from scratch and have actually been able to rely on it for income. That’s something I never thought I would have done at this point and barely even realize I’ve done it until I stop and look back at what I’ve accomplished.

MB: What is on your bucket list before you are thirty?!
Oh boy, that’s a big one! Moving to NYC was definitely on that list, so I’m glad I can check that off. Hopefully I’ll meet an amazing California guy out here and we’ll move back to SF together by the time I’m 30! ;)

Quick Fire Questions: 
  • Favourite drink (non-alcoholic)? Chocolate milk
  • Favourite drink (alcoholic)? Cabernet (preferably from Napa/Sonoma!)
  • Best brunch in NYC? A classic bacon-egg-and-cheese from my local deli.
  • Last three things you bought? Frye boots, shearling vest, softest scarf ever
  • Best thing you’ve ever bought? The softest scarf ever.
  • Style icon? Alexa Chung. I love her tomboy yet feminine style.
  • Words to live by? Be happy.
  • Next dream travel destination? Greece!

MB: Final words of advice from your Twenties so far . . . Learn to truly listen to your gut – what you want – and try your best to put others opinions of you aside. All you really have is yourself, so learn to love yourself, accept yourself, and do what truly makes you happy.

I hope you’ve loved meeting Amanda as much as I did!

What advice do you live by? Do you have any further questions for Amanda or me?

Drop us a line on Twitter - Amanda here and me here - or on email

Have an awesome day all!


MB x 

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