Thursday 13th April

Arrival & Prep
The day has come. For dental surgery. We arrived at 7.40am, shortly after waiting for less than 15mins we saw the surgeon. Then the anesthesiologist (suited up), nurses then a 3rd nurse - four people.
The first few talked about what's happening, some paperwork then with the food loving nurse we were given a gown or two and locker. The gown is typical hospital sheet material and then there's a stripey school uniform inspired one. You could op to BYO outer gown which we did, highly recommend as it adds a calm (just makes you slightly less stressed). Note - wear easy slip on shoes, no heels or gladiator laces.
We (I, this was a solo journey) were given mouthwash that was so hot it burnt the sides of my tongue! Yes I do find toothpaste hot, it's a recent thing, I've used the same toothpaste for years. With our stuff in the locker we moved to the waiting room. Do not communicate with the others! Like exam stress it's contagious. Horror stories and stories of volcanic eruption - in your mouth!
It's very bright in here...
Up next we were led to a very brightly lit room, a huge one for the requirements, nothing like on Grey's Anatomy. Bigger and brighter, and less people. We took off our shoes and robe. Potentially flipped over the table (me, not the table) but we asked for help and got a step. The table was small, and I'm 5"!
A delightful warm thing was placed on my, a blanket idea but those air bags used to pad parcels to post, constantly blowing with warm air! Now all I need was a puppy!
The anesthesiologist checked my blood pressure then stuck something in my hand, an iv drip. That actually really hurt!! Its now 10-12hrs later and that still was the most pain I've endurance this round. Hurts more than a blood test. A month on there's still a mark on my hand.
Gas mask application, yucky air. Not food tastes.. was hoping for cinnamon buns (I'm after Accutes candle in that scent). Feeling sleepy? A little though I crashed like nothing even before.
Hello Again
Daniel? I saw him. That's all I remember...
I see a window. We didn't walk towards the light, I asked where's Daniel. He's gone...
In in a bed, sides up. Is this the same one? It's lower and the yellow airbag is a blanket (that's not yellow). A bit dizzy and my brain is as slow as my phone... *naps*.
Up again groggy. Drank the cordial. What is this? Drinks of my childhood but no more. Tastes like red jelly cups. My tastes have advanced. Haven't had cordial since bank home.
Blood everywhere, oh joy. On the railings, blankets, robe and me.
Oh gawd I need sunglasses and earplugs! I can hear children's program on tv, so loud and much! Yes like me, but not right now.
Craving key lime pie. Of all the desserts in Melbourne I picked a rare one... I haven't even thought about key lime this month. Completely out of the blue, we were closed to pavs - which I can eat!
Going... Shopping!
Got dressed and moved to the discharge room with recliner, and tv ughh. What we need is a quiet place. Another blood pressure test, we were given info on meds and ready to go. Sore throat...
The smell of bananas makes me feel sick and like I'm going to throw up.
No one has key lime pie, not even MD... City driving really isn't a good idea.
Bought meds and some no chew hospital food. Nutrition/carb loading.
A couple doors down was Review! They said I can't go shopping on the same day, but I did it! Found a $54 black skirt for dance! Ok for work too, it flows. Only one of the two dresses I wanted was one sale, there's no more free postage if you buy in stores via transfer. :( We've got cherries on white, hoping to swap for black on the forums.
Surprisingly aldi had key lime pie! More like lemon, it really needs that blow torched Meringue top.
4.30 pm
8pm Home! Still numb.
1.30am. Bed. More like pins and needles
What I ate: dry expensive coconut cake (from Safeway, not bought by me) mixed with passion fruit sorbet (aldi $1 single serve). Pitango orange soup (didn't like it) and pie filling. No crust.
Day 2 - My face is puffy and feels funny... eating soup but isn't not enough... I need more. Wanting all these things I can't have like... spaghetti meatballs, fish and chip and nuggets. Things I love (?) though don't crave too often
Had a jelly drink which made me itchy!! It was one of Yeo's.
Can't bend more than 30 degrees or get anything on the ground, hurts jaw...

Day 3
My face is puffy!! And it hurts/feels funny. The day was spent hiding in bed/procrastinating. We got up by 10pm but by 2am I felt a bit dizzy and disoriented and had a lie down...
Day 4 - Hibernation
11 Days Later - It still hurts a little when I move my head, shoes are a struggle as well as using the dishwasher
3-4 Weeks Later - It hurts on and off, week 3 check up said it was bit inflamed and to take more anti-inflammatory stuff.

TLDR; - BYO robe (not a fluffy towel type, or too short) and slip on slippers. You too shall survive this. Hibernation is highly recommended for at least a week, work from home, cover all the mirrors and reflective surfaces!

Special needs teeth, let's make a side entrance!
Arrival & Prep
The day has come. For dental surgery. We arrived at 7.40am, shortly after waiting for less than 15mins we saw the surgeon. Then the anesthesiologist (suited up), nurses then a 3rd nurse - four people.
The first few talked about what's happening, some paperwork then with the food loving nurse we were given a gown or two and locker. The gown is typical hospital sheet material and then there's a stripey school uniform inspired one. You could op to BYO outer gown which we did, highly recommend as it adds a calm (just makes you slightly less stressed). Note - wear easy slip on shoes, no heels or gladiator laces.
We (I, this was a solo journey) were given mouthwash that was so hot it burnt the sides of my tongue! Yes I do find toothpaste hot, it's a recent thing, I've used the same toothpaste for years. With our stuff in the locker we moved to the waiting room. Do not communicate with the others! Like exam stress it's contagious. Horror stories and stories of volcanic eruption - in your mouth!
It's very bright in here...
Up next we were led to a very brightly lit room, a huge one for the requirements, nothing like on Grey's Anatomy. Bigger and brighter, and less people. We took off our shoes and robe. Potentially flipped over the table (me, not the table) but we asked for help and got a step. The table was small, and I'm 5"!
A delightful warm thing was placed on my, a blanket idea but those air bags used to pad parcels to post, constantly blowing with warm air! Now all I need was a puppy!
The anesthesiologist checked my blood pressure then stuck something in my hand, an iv drip. That actually really hurt!! Its now 10-12hrs later and that still was the most pain I've endurance this round. Hurts more than a blood test. A month on there's still a mark on my hand.
Gas mask application, yucky air. Not food tastes.. was hoping for cinnamon buns (I'm after Accutes candle in that scent). Feeling sleepy? A little though I crashed like nothing even before.
Hello Again
Daniel? I saw him. That's all I remember...
I see a window. We didn't walk towards the light, I asked where's Daniel. He's gone...
In in a bed, sides up. Is this the same one? It's lower and the yellow airbag is a blanket (that's not yellow). A bit dizzy and my brain is as slow as my phone... *naps*.
Up again groggy. Drank the cordial. What is this? Drinks of my childhood but no more. Tastes like red jelly cups. My tastes have advanced. Haven't had cordial since bank home.
Blood everywhere, oh joy. On the railings, blankets, robe and me.
Oh gawd I need sunglasses and earplugs! I can hear children's program on tv, so loud and much! Yes like me, but not right now.
Craving key lime pie. Of all the desserts in Melbourne I picked a rare one... I haven't even thought about key lime this month. Completely out of the blue, we were closed to pavs - which I can eat!
Going... Shopping!
Got dressed and moved to the discharge room with recliner, and tv ughh. What we need is a quiet place. Another blood pressure test, we were given info on meds and ready to go. Sore throat...
The smell of bananas makes me feel sick and like I'm going to throw up.
No one has key lime pie, not even MD... City driving really isn't a good idea.
Bought meds and some no chew hospital food. Nutrition/carb loading.
A couple doors down was Review! They said I can't go shopping on the same day, but I did it! Found a $54 black skirt for dance! Ok for work too, it flows. Only one of the two dresses I wanted was one sale, there's no more free postage if you buy in stores via transfer. :( We've got cherries on white, hoping to swap for black on the forums.
Surprisingly aldi had key lime pie! More like lemon, it really needs that blow torched Meringue top.
4.30 pm
8pm Home! Still numb.
1.30am. Bed. More like pins and needles
What I ate: dry expensive coconut cake (from Safeway, not bought by me) mixed with passion fruit sorbet (aldi $1 single serve). Pitango orange soup (didn't like it) and pie filling. No crust.
Day 2 - My face is puffy and feels funny... eating soup but isn't not enough... I need more. Wanting all these things I can't have like... spaghetti meatballs, fish and chip and nuggets. Things I love (?) though don't crave too often
Had a jelly drink which made me itchy!! It was one of Yeo's.
Can't bend more than 30 degrees or get anything on the ground, hurts jaw...

This is what I looked like, the girl in yellow and green. Blob faced.
Day 3
My face is puffy!! And it hurts/feels funny. The day was spent hiding in bed/procrastinating. We got up by 10pm but by 2am I felt a bit dizzy and disoriented and had a lie down...
Day 4 - Hibernation
11 Days Later - It still hurts a little when I move my head, shoes are a struggle as well as using the dishwasher
3-4 Weeks Later - It hurts on and off, week 3 check up said it was bit inflamed and to take more anti-inflammatory stuff.

We loved Pitango's soup range, though some are better than others (less watery).