SFS - Pague Edition - Colour Coordinated, Czech Two Three. - Fashion Dress in The Present
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SFS - Pague Edition - Colour Coordinated, Czech Two Three.

Well to be fair I am not really sure this wonderfully colour coordinated young woman is Czech. But lets face it, rhyming off the the old mic/sound check is a fun pun and too good not to use (or let us know your thoughts in the comment section below). Photographed in the Old Town Square - Staroměstské náměstí just adjacent to the oldest working, fancy town hall astronomical clock in the world (maybe the universe - if no one else is out there..) And I reckon nobody says; "meet you near the town hall clock" like they do, probably nearly everywhere.. because most of the time it's the most most, really really crowded part of the square and you will never find anyone there, if you are not with them in close proximity already. Great place to hang out though; to beat the crowds try visiting early!
A young woman in Prague's old Town Square with aqua hair tints, aqua rain jacket and hoodie, faded blue jeans and Reebok runners. Street Fashion Sydney photographed in Prague by Kent Johnson.

Telling Stories in Pictures all over..
Kent Johnson, Sydney, Australia.
0433 796 863

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