Denim On Denim Outfit Rules - Tips For Women - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Denim On Denim Outfit Rules - Tips For Women

Denim on denim: It’s a tricky beast. When done correctly, it looks amazing—but one minor misstep and you can wind up with a situation similar to the Justin Timberlake/Britney Spears debacle of 2001.
Something about the double-denim trend—often referred to as a Canadian tuxedo—feels innately wrong fashion-wise. Even when we see street style stars execute the look flawlessly, it can still be intimidating to try to pull it off ourselves.

How to Wear a Denim Shirt in Different Ways

With that in mind, we’ve dissected the ultimate dos and don’ts of putting together a denim on denim outfit.

Play with colors if you’re a total beginner
Before delving into shades of double blue, start out by pairing different shades of denim together, like white jeans and a blue denim jacket, or black jeans and a chambray shirt. It’s almost impossible to go wrong this way.

 Use denim shades to flatter or hide body parts
As a general rule, lighter shades of denim draw attention to the body parts they cover, while darker washes create a slimming effect. For many women this means that dark denim jeans, and a lighter denim top or jacket is the most flattering way to go.

Something about distressed denim (ripped jean shorts or jeans) just lends itself well to the denim on denim look. So don’t be afraid to rip away.

Dress up your double denim
Don’t be afraid to elevate your outfit with luxe-looking items including statement heels, a tuxedo blazer, or a fabulous red lip

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