September 2016
The next chapter (of many) took us to Hawthorne. I thought Camberwell was a small town, but boy was I wrong! Btw all those brunchy places didn't pop up till we moved. While the Camberwell house was built as a boarding house, the Hawthorne one wasn't. Camberwell had 11 people downstairs, sharing the kitchen/bathrooms and maybe 8(?) upstairs, which were apartments. Hawthorne had 8 people, of similar age (18-25) while C was 18+ to 60 maybe.
Moving Week

My room was tiny, but because I didn't cook I don't think I need that much room. Though I'd only ever except this size again if it was right in the city. I'm really happy with my makeover, though the picture on the left is the default setting. Bio guy helped a lot with measurements. We never opened the windows because it was scary, and the boys smoke outside.
The best thing about the room was the location made it perfect as a photo studio! We didn't have much room so we had a board in the corner and props in the cupboard.

The house was built in the 1800s, the oldest house I've been at here in Melbourne. 1880s says jas. This looks like it would have been where a fireplace/stove would have been. The kitchen would be an extension. I didn't get pictures of the ceiling, but they're very high and are decorated as old houses are.

This is from a house up the street, one of those long houses. We've got the same fireplaces, one in each room, the original ones, the rooms that is.

We also had a cellar (?), but it's dark and scary... It was sealed after renovations. But lets look at nicer things! One of the girls showed me around the area, though she wasn't really into looking at architecture (as most young people aren't). She was my favourite neighbour at the house.

Heading towards Glenferrie (the next town over, where everything is) there were bigger and newer houses. Meanwhile there were houses on the same street as us with no front yards, just a porch.

This is a lemon! A mutant, the inside is the size of a golf ball though if you ever need zest this is the one. Pokemon girl has normal sized hands, and it's huge!

The park uphill. St James Park. I wanted to have a picnic there, but it never happened. It's a good place to watch fireworks in the area though, we were going to do that, also never happened.

So the house was on normal ground, but way up a hill then down again was the Yarra, it was quite a hike, though easy to get to from the tram stop at Hawthorne Bridge. We went down there once. I wanted to go back but felt that it was not somewhere safe to be alone...
Next we're moving up North!
The next chapter (of many) took us to Hawthorne. I thought Camberwell was a small town, but boy was I wrong! Btw all those brunchy places didn't pop up till we moved. While the Camberwell house was built as a boarding house, the Hawthorne one wasn't. Camberwell had 11 people downstairs, sharing the kitchen/bathrooms and maybe 8(?) upstairs, which were apartments. Hawthorne had 8 people, of similar age (18-25) while C was 18+ to 60 maybe.
Moving Week

My room was tiny, but because I didn't cook I don't think I need that much room. Though I'd only ever except this size again if it was right in the city. I'm really happy with my makeover, though the picture on the left is the default setting. Bio guy helped a lot with measurements. We never opened the windows because it was scary, and the boys smoke outside.
The best thing about the room was the location made it perfect as a photo studio! We didn't have much room so we had a board in the corner and props in the cupboard.

The house was built in the 1800s, the oldest house I've been at here in Melbourne. 1880s says jas. This looks like it would have been where a fireplace/stove would have been. The kitchen would be an extension. I didn't get pictures of the ceiling, but they're very high and are decorated as old houses are.

This is from a house up the street, one of those long houses. We've got the same fireplaces, one in each room, the original ones, the rooms that is.

We also had a cellar (?), but it's dark and scary... It was sealed after renovations. But lets look at nicer things! One of the girls showed me around the area, though she wasn't really into looking at architecture (as most young people aren't). She was my favourite neighbour at the house.

Heading towards Glenferrie (the next town over, where everything is) there were bigger and newer houses. Meanwhile there were houses on the same street as us with no front yards, just a porch.

In the small town there was a florist who changed her window displays quite often.

This vine covered house is opposite the station and is a real feature. In winter is it bare, this is autumn and during the other seasons it's green. A great backdrop. There are no windows though.

This is a lemon! A mutant, the inside is the size of a golf ball though if you ever need zest this is the one. Pokemon girl has normal sized hands, and it's huge!

Same street, new house.

The park uphill. St James Park. I wanted to have a picnic there, but it never happened. It's a good place to watch fireworks in the area though, we were going to do that, also never happened.

Behind this gate is the drain, 'Hawthorn Main Drain'.

Is it odd that there's grass on the driveway? It's not common here.

One of those houses that doesn't have a front yard.
The variation on the same street is amazing.

This place was close to the white house above.

So the house was on normal ground, but way up a hill then down again was the Yarra, it was quite a hike, though easy to get to from the tram stop at Hawthorne Bridge. We went down there once. I wanted to go back but felt that it was not somewhere safe to be alone...
Next we're moving up North!