Fashion Dress in The Present: PAS
News Update
Showing posts with label PAS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PAS. Show all posts

Nizar's belated remorse

Just saw a report by Bernama that Pas' fomer Perak MB DS Nizar Jamaluddin is now seeking an audience to apologise to Sultan of Johor. He also said he wanted to explain to the Sultan about his offending twitter posting about the Sultan's WWW1 car plate number.

Well, on Sunday, when told that more than 30,000 Johoreans gathered in support of the Sultan at Istana Pasir Pelangi, Nizar was quoted by NST as bravely saying that he will continue to speak up against anyone, including the royal families on issues which affect public interests.

Here are Nizar's quote in verbatim -

"If it is an issue which is totally unimaginable, like irrational spending or behaviour, I will continue to speak up...but I will do it in the most polite manner."

Hmmm...I wonder what makes him want to apologise now.

Personally, I think it's a bit late now for him to say sorry.

The Sultan of Johor was clearly offended, judging by what he said to NST on Sunday. Here is the Sultan's statement about Nizar's initial apology via twitter -

"If he really wants to apologise, he must seek an apology from my people first because he was disrespectful to them.

"He should engage his brain before he shoot off his mouth."

I'm not sure where Nizar got the idea that he can apologise to a Sultan by merely twitting it, but I suspect he may be following the lead of DAP's Penang chief minister Guan Eng who simply issued a statement of apology last year when Sultan of Johor remarked that he was offended when Guan Eng told foreign journalists while in Singapore that Johor is not a safe place.

Guess, only now that these Pakatan leaders are learning that their 2008 electoral gains do not give them the licence to be kurang ajar with just anybody.

Pas' yoga exercise

Kelantan MB Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat has today lifted the ban on female Quran reciters from taking part in competitions. The ban has been in place since Pas took over Kelantan in 1990. The reason given at that time was that women's voice is part of their aurat (body) and therefore should not be displayed in public. Nik Aziz probably thinks it is different now.

I guess, Pas people are quite flexible afterall, as even Nik Aziz seems to be capable of changing what he used to  interprete as haram (forbidden) in Islam then into something halal (allowed) now. Normally these sorts of things were really a no no.

Well, then again, I'm not a really religious person. So, I wouldn't claim to know any better. Who am I anyway compared to all those ustaz and ustazah who proclaimed themselves to be ballot box Islamic warriors of Pas. They surely havea good excuse for their Tok Guru's change of heart concerning such a fundamental element of Islamic principle.

Anyway, I do wonder if the lifting of the ban on the female Quran reciters has anything to do with Pas' effort to soften its image to make the party more acceptable to their allies, especially the Chinese-based DAP. Pas seems to be doing that a lot of late. They have even agreed to shelved their aspiration to set-up an Islamic state so that Karpal Singh don't have to die and has his body being step over by Pas people. This bending backward for DAP thing has actually been sorts of a yoga-like exercise for Pas.

Maybe, one of these days, Nik Aziz may proclaims that yoga is not haram after all. Wah, sure can get lots of votes for that one.

 I do however wonder if Pas will ever revert back to it's true self. Probably they would one day. Yoga is afterall just an exercise only. Can be like this, can be like that liao.

Kedah beating Kelantan towards theocracy

So, Pas-ruled Kedah is moving ahead towards theocracy, surging even ahead of Nik Aziz's Kelantan.
Now, all fatwa issued by the Mufti and fatwa council in Kedah can't be objected.

Here is a bit of the story from The Star :

ALOR SETAR: Future fatwa issued by the Kedah mufti or Fatwa Committee cannot be challenged in court under an amendment to the Mufti and Fatwa (Kedah Darul Aman) Enactment 2008 passed by the Kedah State Assembly on Tuesday.
 A new section - Section 22A - inserted in the enactment states that a fatwa decided by the mufti or Fatwa Committee, whether gazetted or not, cannot be challenged, appealed, reviewed, denied or questioned in any civil court or syariah court.
 The insertion was among the amendments passed unanimously by the House on Tuesday.
 In tabling the bill for the amendments, Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak said it was to clarify the membership of the Fatwa Committee and to give conclusiveness to any fatwa decided by either the mufti or Fatwa Committee.

That one even got the extremely pro-Pakatan Bar Council screaming bloody foul. Now they know lah what Pas is all about.

More to come I am sure. Just wait till they all take over the federal government.

Do all those smart lawyers of Bar Council anticipated this when they throw their support behind Pas and their allies? I think they do/ Just that they were so blinded with arrogance and hatred that they tried to ignore the obvious about those Taliban wannabes.

Well, you reap what you sow.

At the time I'm writing this, I haven't heard anything yet from DAP and PKR about the issue. I think they are really in a tight spot on this one. Probably laying low until things blow over.

This is when Guan Eng's media banning comes handy. See no evil, hear no evil, speaks no evil.

Well, even if they say someting against Pas on this one, what would be the effect?

I'm quite sure Pas will not back off from this. They have to stand their ground or risk being seen as a lame duck partner in Pakatan.

I'm really looking forward to what Nik Aziz has to say about this one. Would he sacrifice whatever little credibility Pas still have as an Islamic party  or would he value the non-Muslims votes more?

Pas' Monkey Blur and black magic

Being not well for the past few days. Too sickly to do any postings.

Today feeling better. Need to restart the engine of man liao.

Seems that Nizar the laser mouth really got Johor Pas in trouble. Simply simply insult the Sultan for what. Even Salahuddin Ayub know this. Well, Salahuddin actually should thanked Nizar. At least now he has an excuse when Johor Pas fail to deliver in the coming general election. In all probability, Johor Pas is going to fail anyway as support for Umno and BN among the Malays is on the rise of late, according to the Merdeka Center poll.

Actually, Johor Pas should not be too disheartened. I think they are better being losers than being mere stooge of Johor DAP which is the real king of Pakatan in the state. I don't think Salahuddin wants to be the puppet MB to DAP like Nizar was. He may not want to say it, but being a Johorean Malay, I believe he does have some amount of dignity left in him. Nizar's MB title back then actually stands for Monkey far as I'm concerned la.

Anyway, Johor Pas campaign here are really going nowhere. This was evident when they started to come up with perposterous excuses, the latest beng the claim by their youth chief Suhaizan Kayat that Umno people are using black magic to sabotage Pas. Really, I'm not kidding you. He made the claim during the recent Johor Pas meeting at a hotel in Skudai. He said Pas leaders tend to get sick when they were about to go for their ceramah rounds and he blamed it all on Umno's doing black magic stuff. Well, really fancy excuse isn't it?

In another news, my favourite chief executive in Johor, Encik Ismail Ibrahim is now Datuk Ismail Ibrahim. Congratulations. Surely Irda will be a better organisation with a Datuk at its helm...I think...

Err...that day also someone asked me whether its true that Datuk Lim Kang Hoo aka Datuk Ghost is now a Tan Sri. Since I'm not that close to him, I can't say for sure. Anyone knows?

Nizar's little barking at Sultan of Johor

So, the Pakatan's former Perak MB Nizar Jamaluddin said it's ok to tell Sultan of Johor what to do and what not to do with his royal highness' money. He seems to think that the Sultan should not spend the half a million ringgit on a car number plate. He said he will only apologise if the Sultan makes it known that he was offended by what he said.

Well Nizar, first of all, the money belong to the Sultan.  So whatever he do with his money is his own business. The Johor royal family is rich. So if the Sultan want some luxury items using his own money, who are we to say he shouldn't. Since your are not a Johorean, then let me tell you Nizar that the Johor royal family have done good for the people of Johor. They do not live on the stipend paid by the State government. That money actually go to royal foundations and to be benefited by the rakyat.

Secondly, the money paid by the Sultan for the plate number go to the government's coffer. The money is for the government to use for the benefit of the people. So, what's wrong with that? It's not like the Sultan was paying for some foreign stuff causing an outflow of our money.

Nizar, being a former MB should know all these. But why does he deem it necessary to make such noises about the Sultan of Johor? Would he made noise if it was a Chinese tycoon who bought thar WWW1 plate number?

The last time he made his complaints known against the royalty was against his own Sultan of Perak, That I can understand lah, as he was pissed because he lost his MB seat and need to lash out at something. Having seen Nizar in action during one of those Pas' ceramah, I know he is very capable of going rabid at those he doesn't like.

But why does he want to bite the Sultan of Johor this time?

The only answer to that question I can think of was that Nizar was actually unhappy with the Sultan of Johor because of his highness' habit of supporting development projects in Johor being attacked by Pas and its Pakatan allies.

The latest being Petronas'   RAPID petroleum hub project in Pengerang. The Sultan, while launching the project earlier this month delivered a strongly worded speech, admonishing those who were opposing the project, describing them as "anti-development instigators".

It was really a royal slap across the face of Johor Pakatan leaders who were opposing the project and trying to turn it into another Lynas issue for the coming general election. From what I understand, the Sultan had went out of his way to deliver that message across, not because he wanted to dwell in politics but rather he was angry that there are those who are out to deny the benefits of development for the rakyat of Johor.

Well, I don't think the Sultan of Johor will lower himself to demand an apology from some biadap Melayu like Nizar.

 So, Nizar in his infinite stupidity may think he won this one just because the Sultan is not saying anything. But just wait and see how Johoreans will punish Johor Pas in the coming general election because of this. I know, not all Johoreans are pro-royalty, but I am quite certain the overwhelming majority of them are also not pro-kurang ajar outsiders who think they can spit at a Johor institution...the Sultan of Johor, of all institutions at that.

Note: Seditious comments are not allowed here. Thank you,

Nik Aziz is not the father of Guan Eng

Today there was a story about Pas' Nik Aziz planning to sue NST and former IGP Rahim Noor. It's about an NST article last week where Rahim was quoted as describing Nik Aziz as "bapak kafir" (father of infidels). Looks like Pas has learned from DAP's big brother PAP - sue your enemies to bankruptcy if you don't like what they say about you.

The problem here is that Lee Kwan Yew's PAP never called anyone kafir. And even if they did, I very much doubt they will sue the people whom they called kafir if those people returned the favour by calling them kafir too. PAP may be a lot of unpleasant things, but I think they do have some sense of shame. Ok lah, PAP probably would not mind people calling them kafir, but that's beside the point. The point is, you don't cry foul when people called you names which you yourself had used to describe others. It's like a kid who throw a stone at another kid only to run crying to his mommy after the other kid started to throw the same stone at him.The law may allow it, but this shows how low class Pas really are.

Remember Amanat Hadi? Pas actually lumped ALL Umno people as kafir back during that period in the 1980s. It's at the height of Pas' fanaticism. Pas members at that time actually avoid praying with Umno people in a surau or mosque. They even regarded meat of livestock slaughtered by Umno members as not halal because due to the Amanat Hadi, they were regarded as non-muslim.

Well, I don't know what got into Rahim Noor or the NST editor who allowed the story to be published, but personally, I think it was more of a political pun than anything libellous. Come on lah, who would really believe that Nik Aziz is the father of infidels. Everyone know what that Lim Kit Siang is the father of Lim Guan  Eng. Ok, I know Nik Aziz once call Guan Eng Khalifah Umar Abdul AZIZ. But that doesn't mean he is the father of Guan Eng. He may love Guan Eng very much and want to adopt him as a son but that only make him the "bapak angkat kafir". True or not?

A little pig oinking at our police

Johor Pas youth chief Suhaizan Kaiat had alleged that a special branch police officer was apprehended by Pas members in the early morning today for distributing anti-Pas flyers in Pengerang, Johor.

He made the allegation during a Press conference at the Southern Johor Chinese Press Club in Johor Bahru.

He claimed that Pas have pictures of the policeman and that checks with the local police station had confirmed that the policeman is from the special branch.

When pressed by reporters, Suhaizan however admitted that the "policeman" was released shortly after he was detained and no police report had been lodged about the alleged incident.

Now, that's rather convenient isn't it?

Accuse the police of doing a dastardly deed without any evidence and then sit back to see the damage done.

Before I proceed further, here is something I previously wrote about this Suhaizan fella so that you all have a better understanding what kind of a jerk he is - Guan Eng's cute pet pig .

Personally, I am of the opinion that this prick should be charged under the Seditious Act for trying to smear the reputation of our police force.

Please excuse me, as I need to express my anger in Malay for this. I will try not to be too vulgar.

"Sesiapa boleh dakwa polis kalau dah terdesak. Pas dah tersepit dengan isu Israel Anwar dan Bai'ah laknat dunia akhirat, cuba nak cari scapegoat dan divert isu. 
"Banyak kerja lain polis nak buat. Apa nak susah-susah sebar risalah. Orang Umno kan ada. Dia orang Pas sebar risalah fitnah cara terang-terangan tak pe pulak. Memang kerja dia orang nak cari isu konon nak dapat simpati....piiiiraaah!!!!
"Selama ini polis berkorban nyawa pertahankan keselamatan orang ramai, tak siapa peduli atau nak puji melangit jauh sekali.
"Dia orang ni sebenarnya jenis manusia tak makan saman.  Main jubor 3/4 kali masih nak kata manusia anugerah tuhan. 
"Jilat bontot DAP tak apa, tapi orang Islam yang nak hulur tangan berdamai ditolak bulat-bulat.
"Biar dia terjun dengan labu-labunya. Tohmahan mereka ni tak jadi kudis.
"Sebelum ini lagi teruk polis kena bashing but they are still walking tall.

To our good policemen, I salute you all.

Police saved Pas from a tight spot

Yup, the evil BN police had stopped these sorts of things -

This one just in - via NST alert :
NST 03/11 : Police issue outright ban against all activities & events organised by Sexuality Merdeka

Well, that effectively saved Pas from answering questions here -

Free sex and Pas

Then again, if Ambiga ( who was supposed to launch the event) decide to have a mass protest against the ban like she did for Bersih 2.0, I wonder what Pas will do. After all, Sexuality Merdeka is also about freedom what, and the last time Ambiga talked about freedom, Pas immediately jumped on the bandwagon.

Well probably not this time, as all should realize by now, Pas will only support all these freedom movement things if they can gain some political mileage.

Now, the ball should be in PKR's and DAP's court. Will they actually now condemned the police ban and defend the rights and freedom of the homosexuals, bisexuals and other sexuals?

Afterall,  these people are also Malaysians too and according to Ambiga and the gang, they have the right to have sex with whomever and in whatever style they prefer. This is also according to them a fight for freedom which the Pakatan people so cherished in their fight against the evil BN and Umno barbarians.

Free sex and Pas

Ok, I know that Pas is against free fact, I am convinced that if they get to park themselves in Putrajaya, they will push for Malaysians to only have sex as according to their own interpretation....the same as Islam should be as according to their interpretation.

What we have here however may put Pas in a tight spot -


Officiated by Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan

The whole thing will be endorsed by Ambiga,  the so-called heroine of Malaysian freedom for goodness sake. Pas support for her Bersih 2.0 had won the hard core Islamic party a moderate image and probably tens of thousands of votes from those who previously were scared of the party's theoracratic image, including the homosexuals, bisexual and other sexuals.

If Pas say it is against this Sexuality Merdeka thing, then how are they going to cope with the lost of support of sponsors such as these -

SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS of Seksualiti Merdeka 2011:
Amnesty International Malaysia
Bar Council Malaysia Human Rights Committee
KL Word
KRYSS (Knowledge & Rights with Young people through Safer Spaces)
Justice For Sisters
MyConstitution Campaign
Precious Old China Restaurant
PT Foundation
Pusat Rakyat LoyarBurok
Rev Yap Kim Hao
Quek Sue Yian
Women's Aid Organisation
Women's Candidacy Initiative
United Nations Theme Group on HIV
and many other individuals

Pas' partners, the secular DAP and PKR can afford to take a stand of just not supporting nor condemning  Ambiga and the gang for promoting free sex. Pas on  the other hand must burn these people at the stake or risk being labeled as pussies due to their claim of being the defender of Islam and correct morality of Malaysians.

This free sex thing may even put the Pakatan partners at odd with each others. My bet is, they will resort to their usual excuse such as this -

Pakatan ‘agree to disagree’ (again?) this time on PPSMI

Whatever it is, I think it will be a bit hard for Pas to explain to their supporters, especially those who risked their family members in support of Ambiga that she is no longer a Pas' heroine.....

Cute pet pigs in Johor, fierce wild boars in Kelantan

Cute pet pigs in Johor, fierce wild boars in Kelantan

Honestly, my mood was spoilt this morning  after reading a posting by blogger Unspinners about how a Chinese school in Kelantan was bullied for holding a lantern festival celebration in their compound.

This is the Unspinner's posting (I hope he don't mind me cutting and pasting it) -

Lepas Hudud Sekolah Cina : PAS Terdesak Nak Undi Melayu!

Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Kai Chih Di Pasir Puteh bakal berhadapan dengan tindakan undang-undang yang akan dilakukan oleh Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan Pasir Puteh kerana mengadakan perayaan tanglung di dalam kawasan sekolah. Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan Pasir Puteh telah mengeluarkan notis ke sekolah tersebut pada 18 September 2011 dan pihak sekolah diberi masa selama tiga hari untuk memberikan surat tunjuk sebab.
Alasannya, pesta tanglung itu disambut dan diadakan di kawasan sekolah tanpa kebenaran dan permit daripada Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan Pasir Puteh. Dan kesalahannya menurut Pejabat Tanah dan Jajahan Pasir Puteh, adalah di bawah Enakmen Kawalan Hiburan dan Tempat-Tempat Hiburan 1998 yang mana jika disabitkan kesalahan, boleh membawa kepada hukuman denda maksimum RM20,000, penjara selama lima tahun atau kedua-duanya sekali.
Setiausaha PAS Kelantan, Takiyuddin Hassan pula berkata, di bawah Enakmen Hiburan Negeri 1998, tiada sebarang bentuk hiburan yang dibenarkan pada setiap petang Khamis sebagai tanda menghormati waktu solat Jumaat.
Bunyinya macamlah Islamik sangat. Konon-kononnya, macamlah hendak mempertahankan kesucian Islam tetapi sebenarnya ia menunjukkan tentang kebangangan yang terserlah di kalangan para pemimpin PAS yang sedang mencari-cari arah kemenangan di Pasir Puteh. Pasir Puteh sedang menunjukkan isyarat yang sangat jelas penolakan terhadap PAS ekoran gelagat wakil rakyat PAS kawasan tersebut yang kuat berskandal dengan bini orang
Keberanian PAS Kelantan nampaknya terserlah kali ini. Mungkin disebabkan DAP tidak mempunyai kuasa di Pasir Puteh menyebabkan PAS Kelantan berani menganiayai SJKC Kai Chih Pasir Puteh yang mengadakan pesta tanglung di dalam kawasan sekolah. Alasan hiburan yang diberikan oleh pejabat tersebut untuk mengenakan tuduhan undang-undang terhadap SJKC Kai Chih sebenarnya langsung tidak relevan.
Pesta tanglung yang diadakan dan disambut oleh sekolah Cina itu pada 15 September 2011, bukanlah sejenis hiburan, sebaliknya merupakan salah satu perayaan agama. Pemimpin PAS yang kebanyakannya buta perut dan tolol tidak dapat membezakan antara hiburan dan upacara keagamaan. Mereka juga tidak dapat membezakan antara majlis yang dibuat di kawasan terbuka dengan di dalam kawasan sendiri.
Kalau itulah contoh yang boleh diperolehi dan dicontohi untuk perlaksanaan hukuman hudud, ternyata PAS dan perundangan ciptaannya itu tidak lebih daripada sebuah kerajaan zalim yang bukan sahaja jahil dan bodoh tetapi juga sangat membuta tuli. Sedangkan PAS mendakwa perundangan hudud yang mereka ingin laksanakan adalah hudud Allah Taala.

Seriously, these Pas people are simply hypocrites.

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