Nizar's little barking at Sultan of Johor - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Nizar's little barking at Sultan of Johor

So, the Pakatan's former Perak MB Nizar Jamaluddin said it's ok to tell Sultan of Johor what to do and what not to do with his royal highness' money. He seems to think that the Sultan should not spend the half a million ringgit on a car number plate. He said he will only apologise if the Sultan makes it known that he was offended by what he said.

Well Nizar, first of all, the money belong to the Sultan.  So whatever he do with his money is his own business. The Johor royal family is rich. So if the Sultan want some luxury items using his own money, who are we to say he shouldn't. Since your are not a Johorean, then let me tell you Nizar that the Johor royal family have done good for the people of Johor. They do not live on the stipend paid by the State government. That money actually go to royal foundations and to be benefited by the rakyat.

Secondly, the money paid by the Sultan for the plate number go to the government's coffer. The money is for the government to use for the benefit of the people. So, what's wrong with that? It's not like the Sultan was paying for some foreign stuff causing an outflow of our money.

Nizar, being a former MB should know all these. But why does he deem it necessary to make such noises about the Sultan of Johor? Would he made noise if it was a Chinese tycoon who bought thar WWW1 plate number?

The last time he made his complaints known against the royalty was against his own Sultan of Perak, That I can understand lah, as he was pissed because he lost his MB seat and need to lash out at something. Having seen Nizar in action during one of those Pas' ceramah, I know he is very capable of going rabid at those he doesn't like.

But why does he want to bite the Sultan of Johor this time?

The only answer to that question I can think of was that Nizar was actually unhappy with the Sultan of Johor because of his highness' habit of supporting development projects in Johor being attacked by Pas and its Pakatan allies.

The latest being Petronas'   RAPID petroleum hub project in Pengerang. The Sultan, while launching the project earlier this month delivered a strongly worded speech, admonishing those who were opposing the project, describing them as "anti-development instigators".

It was really a royal slap across the face of Johor Pakatan leaders who were opposing the project and trying to turn it into another Lynas issue for the coming general election. From what I understand, the Sultan had went out of his way to deliver that message across, not because he wanted to dwell in politics but rather he was angry that there are those who are out to deny the benefits of development for the rakyat of Johor.

Well, I don't think the Sultan of Johor will lower himself to demand an apology from some biadap Melayu like Nizar.

 So, Nizar in his infinite stupidity may think he won this one just because the Sultan is not saying anything. But just wait and see how Johoreans will punish Johor Pas in the coming general election because of this. I know, not all Johoreans are pro-royalty, but I am quite certain the overwhelming majority of them are also not pro-kurang ajar outsiders who think they can spit at a Johor institution...the Sultan of Johor, of all institutions at that.

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