Fashion Dress in The Present: travel
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Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Prague Fashion Weekend with M∙A∙C cosmetics

                                                                                                CLICK TO SEE MORE
                                                                                               Taxi ride
                                                                                             M∙A∙C welcome gifts
                                                                                                 The Charles Bridge

                                                                                                The Prague astronomical clock
                                                                                                Prague city map
                                                                                                Backstage pass
                                                                                               M∙A∙C Senior Artist - Netta Szekely
                                                                                                Signature look for Jakub Polanka show
                                                                                                   Backstage at MBPFW

                                                                                                 Look 1 for evening shows
                                                                                               Jakub Polanka
                                                                                                 Jakub Polanka
                                                                                                Bake shop bakery
                                                                                                  Prague city map

                                                                                               Look of the day
                                                                                               Bake shop bakery

                                                                                                    Look 2 for evening shows
                                                                                              Dior store at Parizska street
                                                                                              Parizska street

                                                                                                   traveling companions
                                                                                                  *all the photos are made with my phone

If you are following me on the Instagram then you already know that I was in Prague with my partner in crime Jelena where we attended Prague Fashion Weekend, better known as #MBPFW one week ago.
As special guests of M∙A∙C cosmetics we were part of some really great fashion shows, backstage rush and private parties. And what I can say? We had a blast!
Welcomed (and later driven around) by Tick Tack taxi service provided by M∙A∙C (I highly recommend this one when you are in Prague, they even have a WiFi in their cars) and their great team I immediately felt as a true princess because of their special treatment. Pampered and loved, that's how I would describe it! :)

Let's talk about shows now!
- My favorite one was definitely from Jakub Polanka, young Czech designer who presented some amazing pieces on the catwalk. Smart, comfortable and at the same time chic. So keep an eye on his work, this shy and really down to earth guy will make even bigger success!
Check the entire collection Here!
- Chatty is a design studio from Prague and I liked several pieces from their collection for example This and This, but I have to admit that they were a little bit confusing. They showed mix of perfectly designed pieces and those that you can find at Zara. But if they focus more on their own design skills, I think that they can create magnificent collection!
Check the entire collection Here!
- Daniela Peskova is my third favorite designer from MBPFW. She reminds me at some Serbian designers who are great in creating simple but still eye catchy pieces.
Check the collection Here!
Despite the fact that I'm not a huge fan of tattoos I need to share my sympathy to a true star of this MBPFW  Rick Genest aka the Zombie boy! I would never tell that he is actually bashful and nice! 

Backstage time!
M∙A∙C Senior Artist - Netta Szekely was the one who created all the make up looks according to designers collection themes and vibes. And she did the amazing job! Together with the international M∙A∙C artists she did the 26 shows for MBPFW. Well done! It's quite impressive when you see what these creative people are doing during the crazy fashion months around the globe and how many things they need to make every single show perfect when it comes to makeup. And what's even better is when you have chance to be part of it!
My favorite makeup looks are 1, 2, 3, 4 , check  more Here, they are made by talented photographer Pavel Hejný.
You can also check some black and white photos from the same photographer, click Here!

• Number of shows in major Fashion Week cities that M∙A∙C will support backstage:  208
• Number of Eye Liners and Eye Pencils ordered for Artists’ kits:  1,233
• Number of Permanent Lipsticks, Lipglasses, Lipmixes, Lip Erase and Conditioners ordered for Artists’ kits:  576
• Number of Mascara Wands and Tubes ordered  for Artists’ kits:  3,776
• Number of Lashes ordered for Artists’ kits: 844 

It was hectic, a little bit exhausting but above all very inspiring. New city, new people, new energy.
Prague is such a cute town and I would love to come back one day and explore it even more. I had chance to make only a quick tour to the most popular touristic places and I love everything except the fact that it was crowded. So if you are planning your visit, I would suggest to make an early morning sightseeing tour and enjoy!

Huge thanks to the entire team from M∙A∙C for this incredible experience, it was my honor to be your guest, ladies you are the best!

Menorca Travel Diary | Part 2

crystal clear waters on the hike from Cala Galdana to Macarella beach

Hello you gorgeous lot! Happy WEEKEND! I was hoping to put up part two of my Menorca travel diary yesterday but the first day of London Fashion Week had me pooped by 5pm! Today I'm taking it fairly easy ahead of an LFW party this evening, so YAY, that means I get to catchup on Menorca. Right here. Right now. Writing from bed. 


Back to Menorca . . . 

My favourite memories are the ones which revolve around the simplest of pleasures - coffee in the morning at my family's favourite cafe, quiet afternoons reading and an impromptu evening dancing with the locals. Marietta and I even sat down to write post cards - which we actually sent ON TIME. This literally never happens! We also spent a bit of time shopping. I always stop in at the same handful of boutiques in Ciutadella, and this time I hit the jackpot as we got to one of my favourites Chica Trampa just as their end of season sale was on! Yippee - 50% off of everything! I ended up buying a super sweet pair of shorts. 
sun n' ice cold Estrella
super cute jumpers at Chica Trampa
new shorts from Chica Trampa
 my version of a Gray Malin
these biscuits are a Minorcan speciality - I cannot even tell you HOW good they are!
Looking over these pics is making me smile! I'm inspired by this post by Sarah Yates on printing off holiday photos - I haven't kept an album in ages but I'd LOVE to have physical copies of some of mine and Marietta's memories. Do you guys print and keep, or are you a digital sharer too? I'd love to know how you savour your holiday memories!
Tonight I'm staying with one of my best girlfriends ahead of a packed Fashion Week day tomorrow,  we're going to grab dinner with a brunch of blogging BFFs. Ols and I are spending a night away together tomorrow which I am SO excited for. Hope you guys have great plans for the weekend too! Keep up to date with my fashion week adventures on Instagram


MB x

Menorca Travel Diary | Part 1

Macarella beach, Menorca - accessible by a short hike from Cala Galdana

Hey guys! How're you all doing? Technically I'm back at work after returning from Menorca, but my mind is totally still on holiday! Do you get that too when you return from a trip? It's like "I'll crack open a beer with that lunch thank you very much" (FYI I didn't, but you know the temptation was real!) and I'm reaching for frayed shorts, flip flops and a wicker bag for my meetings. It feels kinda good.

Confusing, but good. 

Before we run into the Fashion Week roundups, outfits and news, I am sharing Part 1 of my Menorca Travel Diary with you guys today, and the other half tomorrow. As many of you know, my family and I have an apartment on the island so Menorca really is a home away from home. This trip was extra doubly special as I was travelling with my sister Marietta for our first ever sisters-only holiday. It was AWESOME. Having the time away with my little Sis was the best remedy to a year of hard work. It is so special to spend time with our loved ones; if I've learnt anything from our trip it is that we should all take as much time as possible to do so and really be present when we do. I really limited my e-mail checking and social media over the time too which I think played a massive part in me feeling fully relaxed over the holiday.
Read on for a tonne more pics . . . 

Right, I'm off for a DIY pre-LFW pamper. My day will start SUPER early tomorrow so make sure to check in with me on Instagram and Twitter - there's a lotta lot going on. 

Have an awesome day all!


MB x

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