What was meant as an advice to the top management of Iskandar Regional Development Authority (Irda) in one of my postings almost three weeks ago had turned into an all out cyber slug fest between factions in the organization. You can read it at the comments section which followed the posting here -
A little warning to Irda
The last comment received last night was probably from the faction siding with the management -
A little warning to Irda
The last comment received last night was probably from the faction siding with the management -
- KOMEN TIDAK MEMBANGUN INI DITUTUP SECARA RASMINYA. Semua fitnah dan niat jahat mereka-mereka yang tidak bertanggung jawab telah dilapurkan kepada pihak polis termasuk kakitangan IRDA yang telah kenalpasti dan dijejak alamat IP nya. Tindakan disiplin termasuk diberhentikan kerja sedang menunggu kalian minggu hadapan selepas surat tunjuk sebab dan DI dijalankan. Terima kasih.
I don't know whether it is a bluff or for real. If it is for real, then we may expect to soon see headlines in the newspapers or webportals which read something like this - EIGHT IRDA SENIOR OFFICIALS AMONG THOSE SACKED DUE TO CYBER DISSENT.
Whatever it is, I have to conclude that the management of Irda will stick with the current style of doing things.
Well, that is too bad.

Probably they are doing the right thing. Why would such a powerful organisation want to listen to an advice of an insignificant anonymous blogger like me.
On the other side, members of the faction who are unhappy about what is going on in their organisation seems to be defiant.
I received an e-mail this morning from one of them who has been working for Irda for the past four years.
"Things are so bad now that I don't care anymore if they find me out and sack me. At least I had my say. Thanks," she said at the end of the e-mail.