Exclusive video with Marc Jacobs secret Muse Angel Barta - Fashion Dress in The Present
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Friday, 14 March

Exclusive video with Marc Jacobs secret Muse Angel Barta

I am Angel Barta, writer and fashion designer. Marc Jacobs has been stalking me and stealing my ideas for 5 years. I met him first in Paris at his gym. He has been torturing me and obsessively copying ANYthing I do since then. He wants to hide me from the fashion world and keep in a secret that he uses my talent. I wrote more articles on my blog explaining how is that possible that the famous designer copies a young European girl, me.

Watch my video and my message for Marc Jacobs...
Nézzétek meg mit üzentem Marc Jacobsnak.

Angel Barta
Marc Jacobs copied my striped Angel Barta clothes... read how sneaky he was, click here

My book about my relationship with Marc Jacobs was published in 2010. Read a Hot, sex scene from my book click here

My story with Marc Jacobs how he has been torturing me and stealing my designes read the details here

Marc Jacobs copies my photos with the Fanning sisters. He's been supporting them since they were little kids. Read secrets about them, click here

Marc Jacobs with Angel Barta

Marc Jacobs gave my ideas for Dior through his ex-collegue and friend Camille Micheli, read the details, click here

Marc Jacobs' friend Sofia Coppola copied my photos for Dior, read the details click here

Sok cikket írtam arról, hogyan másolja Marc Jacobs az ötleteimet már 5 éve, akaratom ellenére és futtatja a magyar modelleket. Olvassátok el a többi cikkemet is.

Ha szeretnétek nekem segíteni, akkor kérlek osszátok meg a cikkemet, hogy kiderüljön az igazság, hogy milyen kegyetlen játékot űz ez a divattervező, már 5 éve velem.

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