Resolutions - Fashion Dress in The Present
News Update
Friday, 14 March


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About half way through 2013 I made myself a list of things I did and did not like in my life, and began to work on them. Some of the things I transformed have been for the better, and thankfully have grown. The thing is, sharing these things enables others to help you to keep focus on them. Enrolling others to help you get to your goals is easy, free, and can be fun. One of the girls I work with chuckles at me and asks how my squats are going at least once a week. The funny thing is, it is nice to be able to share your progress and have someone be surprised. That's encouragement right there. 

Hence the reason I have decided to share some of the resolutions I have formulated for 2014 with you. 
A good month ago I wrote down and asked people what they thought were some typical 'resolutions' and how best to follow them. One girl had given up soft drink for the year of 2013 and felt healthier without it. She was looking to give up her next 'bad food item' for the year ahead. That was a small but attainable goal with a real benefit to her health and potentially, her hip pocket. We decided that simply saying 'exercise more' was fruitless, being too general without a specific reward. While that is a general thing on my list it is vital to break it down. 
Style Resolutions:
- Only buy items that fit into my capsule wardrobe, go with other items (not requiring other new purchases for wear), and stick to my colour rules. Black, white, grey, blue, neutrals, and metallics. 
- Keep a 'wish list' and purchase only from that. Items that I go back to over a month or so, have been considered and coveted until they deserve their place. No impulse purchases or 'sale-it-almost-fits' purchases. 
- Find a new handbag which will accommodate my camera equipment. 
- Limit my shoe purchases! Comfort, quality and necessity. 

Lifestyle Resolutions:
- Only drink alcohol on special occasions, and avoid at fashion events if it isn't my kind of drink. 
- Cook more meals at home, rather than opting to go out, the Perth prices are stupid. 
- Answer text messages. I always forget and it makes me a shit friend. 
- Find a fitness type (through trying a bunch out) that I love and motivates me to keep up my regime. Then create a new resolution to attain once I am settled. 
- Draw and paint at least four hours per week. 
- Keep learning to use my camera through fortnightly photo outings, creating excuses to photograph. 
- Find a new part time job. 

In 2014 I am looking forward to exploring new areas of my blog, which reflect more of my interests than fashion. I am looking forward to moving in with my partner and having our own space. We both need to start over (pretty much) in looking for new work, he having just graduated, and me having recently hit a wall with theatre design, and wanting to find a new avenue. I was surprised at how little reward I got out of something I had once loved so much. My friends and I have committed to a trip at the end of 2014 which is a goal I am working toward, and really keen for. Choosing something to motivate you and stop you from spending cash willy nilly is super important. I can save when I want to, but I need a goal.

What are some resolutions you have made? Any advice on how to achieve mine? :) Always welcome. 
 xx Jenelle
Instagram @jenellewitty

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