Fashion Dress in The Present: Venting
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Showing posts with label Venting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venting. Show all posts
Bitching again about irritating BN people

Bitching again about irritating BN people

Sometimes it's hard for me to understand why so many BN people find it difficult to realize that the coming general election is a do or die mission for the coalition.

Not being a member of any BN component party, I often observe how BN people still behave as if things are still the way they were back before the disastrous 2008 election.

Many were still very much engrossed with petty internal squabbles, and spend much time and energy jockeying for positions in the hope of furthering their own personal vested interests.

Don't they realise that if BN falls they will lose everything and that this country will be no more what it used to be? Have they not learned any lesson from the losses of 2008?

The Pakatan people may say that the country will be better if they take over, but despite my intense dislike of many BN people, I still believe that Pakatan are much worse and if they were to be given the power, will tear this country apart. BN, despite some unsavoury characters within it, has proven itself capable of steering Malaysia to the right path over the years. Yes, it was not perfect, but I don't think we are doing too badly considering our complicated multi-racial, multi-religion and other multi-this and that society. It's just a matter of improving the system, instead of replacing it with some other dubious set-up.

Back to those distasteful BN characters, I think DS Najib Razak really need to do something to get rid of them. Not only they cause disruptions within their party but they also cause people to loath BN. Worse of all, they cause people who sincerely want to fight for BN to give up in disgust.

I had many encounters with these sorts of BN people. Arrogant for no reason, think so highly of themselves, demanding for things which were not theirs etc. They sometimes made me wonder what am I doing supporting BN.

The only thing which help makes me want to continue on this path is the presence of the good BN leaders whom I have the privilage to know quite closely. My favorite was of course Johor MB Datuk Abdul Ghani Othman whom I found to be a decent and proper man.

Ghani's political enemies had tried to cast doubts about him, accusing him of all sorts of things. I tried my best to check them out but could not find anything rotten. It would be sad to see him going on his retirement after the next general election. Hopefully there will be more good leaders among BN people so that people not subscribing to any political party like me find it appealing to side with BN instead of being put off

TKC: Erasing History, Traditions and Values

I came across this during my usual prowling of the cyberspace, and boy, was I shocked about Tunku Kurshiah College, or Kolej Tunku Kurshiah, or better known as TKC, being renamed Sekolah Menengah Sains Tunku Kurshiah.

A school with 65 years history of academic excellence and an illustrious alumni, one of the best schools in the country - with excellent academic and co-curricular achievements - if not the best, will be relocated to a new site in Nilai, and in its place will be a Sekolah Menengah Sains.

When we visit the distinctive campus, surrounded  by cemeteries no less, beyond its double layer of fences and up the winding driveway lined with old trees, we will be greeted by the facade of the 60's buildings of the school's four residential Houses, from the outermost red Mahsuri, to the blue Tun Fatimah, followed by the green Selendang Delima and finally the innermost yellow Siti Zawiah, before we reach the Great Hall with the names of former Head Girls listed on its walls, and where practically every activity is held, be it Thursday's solat jemaah, Saturday's matinee, the annual drama and dance competitions, and of course the term-end assemblies where the best students would line the steps to the stage to be acknowledged by their teachers and peers.

Then there is the main school building where the Domestic Science and the Physics labs used to be, at the back of the residential Houses is the Dining Hall with its High table in the middle and the extended wing at the back, then there is the square in front of the Dining Hall where the girls would sit and banter while waiting for the dinner bell to ring or to cheer for their netball teams during competitions - all these will be known as Sekolah Menengah Sains Tunku Kurshiah in the future.

What la ... Is it not enough that you want to relocate the poor schoolgirls to some obscure place somewhere in Nilai, now you want to change its name to Sekolah Menengah Sains Tunku Kurshiah?  At least Sri Puteri gets to become Sri Puteri, Putrajaya - the school at the seat of Federal Government, while TKC gets to be SMSTK of Nilai - the grand new Estate School?

I don't get it - if it is too small, or too old, or too whatever, that they have to relocate the school to some completely indistinct new campus in Nilai, then why create a new school called SMS Tunku Kurshiah in its place?

Why not just have a new school in Nilai named SMS Whatever and upgrade the campus on Bukit Merbah (or wasn't it Jalan Cemetery too?) to accommodate new requirements while maintaining the name, the unique look of the old buildings, the traditions and the values of a great old school, and the all-around excellence the TKCians are renowned for?

Try doing the same thing to MCKK - change its name to Sekolah Menengah Sains Melayu Kuala Kangsar and see what happens.  Shall we try doing that?

Tell you what, let us change the name of Royal Military College to Sekolah Menengah Sains Tentera.  After all they also sit for PMR and SPM too.  Fair kan?

And while we are at it, let us change the name of  Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar in JB to Sekolah Menengah Sains Sultan Abu Bakar?  That school is still there, despite being right smack in the middle of the town.  Can or cannot?

And what about the resident ghosts of those buildings such as the Green Lady and the Soldier - are they going to relocate these beings to the new campus in Nilai too, or will they be part of the stories for students of the new SMS Tunku Kurshiah while the TKC girls, or KaTaK as they are called by jealous detractors, will have to contend with new jins and hantus at the new TKC campus in Nilai?

That means even the hantus of the new generation TKCians will be different from those known by the Old Girls.  Pity them, the OGA will have nothing more in common with the new generation TKCians to talk about during their biennial dinners.  Not the buildings, not the traditions, maybe not even the values, certainly not the ghosts.

I guess it is extremely easy to do away with history, traditions and values - what will happen to TKC is precisely that - the extinction of an old school representing how easy it is to do away with history, traditions and values of old, which disconnect the younger generation from the old.

Malays' arrogance

Smart people tend to get arrogant.

When they get arrogant they tend not to be smart anymore.

It's always like that...especially among Malays. It's my personal observation of my own race.

Malays tend to lose their head once they attain a certain level of success.

Got a bit smart and extra money, want to buy big car. Even more money, want to have a new wife. Always like that one.

Some time, they only think they are smart and already they become so arrogant. Know some Quranic verses, and already want people to call them ustaz. Already want to have a new wife. Give counseling to other people's wife some more. At 3am in a hotel room some more.

Don't know lah why my race like that one. The really good and smart Malays somehow were never really appreciated.

Ok, I know I'm more venting than anything else here, but really la, why do Malays always find it hard to be smart and successful without getting arrogant and stupid in the end?

Other examples that I know -

Malay boy from a poor family. Study hard and become smart. Given scholarship by the Malay-led government mainly because he is a smart Malay. Came back from some US university. Got nice high ranking job in some GLC. Start thinking he was so smart that he was better than those of the Malays running government. Want the Malay-led government to be toppled. Replaced with anything also, he don't mind.

Malay boy from a poor family. Relatively good in his studies. Got into university but basically due to the Malay quota. Got a study loan some more. Later on think so highly of himself. Mahasiswa la katakan. So clever that he think everyone must listen to him including those Malays in the government who made it possible for him to get into university and be financed with a study loan. Go around kicking traffic policeman to show off himself as being smart.

Malay boy from a relatively rich family. Not so smart but family rich enough to finance his studies overseas. Came back smart and became part of the Malay liberal elite. Want the Malay-led government replaced. No class la Malay kampung party leading the government. His smartness made him forget that his family became rich and can finance his studies to be smart because of all those government contracts given out to help the Malay companies such as his family.

Malay girl, daughter of a former PM. Silver spoon fed from a baby till an old lady. Became so smart, but now want to become so cool...and end up became so stupid.
Eh, I think you all know the story of this last example of stupidly arrogant Malay lah.

Ok. Cheers everyone...especially you all Malays.


Someone commented here that 10,000 people turned up at a Pakatan demo at Plaza Angsana in JB last  Saturday.
This is the picture of that gathering I took from 
The Unspinners blog. Does it look like 10,000 people?

Tough job for Pas' Unit Amal

It looks like the planned demo at Dataran Merdeka this weekend will be a really rojak affair. From what I have been reading, the groups are all backed by Pakatan people and their allies and they are -

1. Anti-Election Commission group- supposedly led by Ambiga but actually engineered and led by DAP, PKR and Pas leadership and consists hardcore members of those parties.
2. Anti-Lynas group- supposedly led by self-professed environmentalists but actually belong to DAP leaders as a vehicle to unite especially disgruntled members of the Chinese community.
3. Anti-PTPTN group - supposedly without leaders and consists of undergraduates but actually controlled by PKR cadres and mostly consists of mediocre Malay students and a lot more who are not really students such as bald women.
4. Pro-LGBT group - led by some LGBT people and consists of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals etc etc. They are  sanctioned to join the demo by Ambiga and her Bar Council buddies, I think.

NOTE : Pas' Unit Amal people who will be in charge of security at the demo must be careful not to chase away those weird looking and sounding LGBT people. They are in this demo with you all, ok? Really, they are not from Umno. I know you are all anti-homo but for this one you all kena tahan, ok? This is part of your jihad to topple BN, ok? some more group is it? I heard there are - such as anti-Felda group and anti-Pengerang group, but those were not confirmed yet. See lah how.

DBKL already said they can't have it at Dataran Merdeka but of course they will not listen. So, it's going to be another hu ha hu ha again. A bit of water cannon, a bit of tear gas, a bit of play dead .....

Just hope there will be no real death like last time.

Ok, if I'm in KL I wouldn't be going to down-town KL this weekend. I will probably be shopping at my favourite shopping centre, The Curve. Maybe look around for things at Ikea and have that cheap hot-dog they are selling. Love to put lots of mustard on mine ;-)

Chinese students are better

I read with particular interest this posting Why Chinese students stay away from anti-PTPTN demo by Rocky of Rockybru.

It was based on a translation from a Nanyang Siang Pau's editorial about paying back what one owes.

In this case, the PTPTN loan which payment was demanded to be waived by a bunch of Malay "students", backed by some Malay politicians.

These Malay "students", most likely being asked to do so by the politicians, demand for the government to provide free education for university students. Good one, they must have thought to be turned into a political point for the coming election.

Anyway, the article reminds me of a conversation I had with someone close to me about nine years ago.

We were arguing about all those freebies and scholarships given to bumiputera (especially Malay) students. Especially those undeserving mediocre students.

I did my degree without getting any such financial assistence, but since she was sorts of attacking the Malays, I felt it was my duty to put up a defense.

It was the usual bumiputera defense about being left behind and given the assistence to catch up with the more advance and richer Chinese. I know it was a bit of a flimsy defence but at that time it was all I can thought of.

Deep down inside at that time, I know she was right. We can't continue pouring money to help undeserving people. They will just ask for more and more. They are just incapable of thinking responsibly and will always believe that everyone else need to give them everything that they want. These are the shameless Malays. These are the type that are camping at the Dataran Merdeka.

Don't they realise that the money they demand be given to them actually belongs to all Malaysians including the poor who pay the taxes in one form or another? Yes, that include the Petronas money. That one is also duit rakyat, ok?

Don't they have any maruah claiming that they can't be paying back that money once they graduated and have a good job?

Don't they realise that they already have it easy?

The person I had that argument, for instance, spend two years as a waitress at a restaurant in Singapore before saving enough to continue her studies in Taiwan. No scholarships or even loan despite her being among the top students in her school.

If she is a Malay, definitely she can get a place in UiTM, complete with PTPTN loan. I am certain she will gladly pay back the loan once she finished her studies, and probably think how wonderful of the government to provide such a loan facility for her.

But as it turned out, the tough road she went through turned out to be a blessing for her. It trained her to be tough and street wise....much better than me, in fact. She is now successful and as far as I am concern have the bragging right of being the winner of our past arguments on this matter. Well, good for her.

To all those stupid Malay "students" camping at Dataran Merdeka - STOP BEING STUPID. NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS WORLD.  

Men are horny bastards

Note: This is a continuation of Men are bastards

Yup, as I had wrote, men are bastards. All of them are like that. No exception. They will cheat on women if given half the chance. They are weak creatures who are susceptible to the flimsiest of temptations.

So, girls, keep them on tight leash, ok? It's our duty to prevent them from making a fool of themselves such as letting themselves be video taped and seen by the whole world of having disgusting things such as a crooked penis.

I know it is not easy, but do try your best, ok?  

Well, by now, everyone probably know already about the allegations of moral impropriety and related corruption against Minister Shafie Apdal.

Ambiga and her upholding rule of law Bar Council buddies most likely had told their Pakatan friends that it should be innocent until proven guilty....hehehe....ok ok just kidding, of course no such thing.

This is after all too juicy. An Umno vice-president allegedly caught being naughty with a Bollywood looking starlet. Got over RM1 million from don't know where also in the center of it all. The allegations indicated that he paid her RM100k per go. Very expensive squeez liao.

But really la, the guy have not even been charged in court yet. Maybe he had even married the girl. We don't know that, don't we. Like other guys who are chicken shit of their wife, he may had kept it secret. No video also. Just a police report by a driver. You know lah these days, people lodge police report la, make SD la, then fly off to India or London.

Of course, all that are irrelevant. This is politics where winning people's perceptions is all that matter. Facts doesn't really matter.

In this game, I have to give it to the Pakatan people - they are simply the best. BN people are no match against them, not even by a long shot. They can convince people that they are angels despite clear evidence which shows otherwise.

Nope, that's not him, that's someone who looks like him. Confirm must be Umno's doing - Only Pakatan people can pull this off. Respect lah.

Chase the non-Chinese speaking teachers out of our schools. They are BN's agents send to destroy the identity of our schools....errr, what? We are racists? Where got one? We are Malaysian first la. We love the Malays, especially Pas people. What? Pas people are Muslim first? Don't worry, that one can adjust la.

Pakatan people are good, are not them?

Back to Shafie, I  think the guy is as good as fried. Guilty or not, he is already judged based on perception. He is an Umno guy, and not a Pakatan guy. Pakatan guys got video or DNA still ok one. They are that good.

The mould had been set that way. People don't care about the truth. They want to be entertained.

They want to believe in juicy stories. But the juice must be of the right dosage. Having fun with a cute foreign prostitute not juicy enough. Having fun with handsome coffe boy too disgusting pulak, But having affair with  an artis is just nice, don't you think? Lots of money allegedly involved some more.  That's why Harian Metro is the best selling newspaper in the country. They know how to get the right dosage of sleeze in the stories. If ever BN want to catch up with Pakatan in this department, I propose they get help from Harian Metro people.

At the end of the day, they are all the same. Pakatan men or BN men, they are all the same. Given the chance they will take advantage of the situation. They are all cheats at heart. It's a matter of whether we believe in their guilt or otherwise. It's our perception which will decide their fate. Not facts. As far as facts are concerned, men are all horny bastards. Political affiliation doesn't make any difference.

The only difference is that we are fimiliar with the modus operandi of one gang. So, easier to catch them. The other one we don't know yet, but inidications seems to suggest that they are even worse. At least that's how I see it.
A BN big shot

A BN big shot

A big shot BN guy picked up a fight with me today.

Threatened threatened me some more.

Want to take action against me, go ahead la. No need trying to scare me lah.

Spoiled my weekend only. This is like the Irda police report nonsense all over again.

The issue was, because I support BN too much. Stupid isn't it?

Like that also want to threaten to destroy me.

Eh, BN fella, you know or not that 75 per cent of people working for you are pro-Pakatan. And they are openly undermining BN. That one you don't see ka? Go and fight with them la, fight with me over small small things for what.

Sorry aarr everyone, mau lepas geram a bit here.

I really don't want to fight anyone from my own side. Just want to concentrate on helping BN. But some of these BN people are very susah one. Tiring lah like this.

Eeerrr....., now looks like I really have to find a new job and get out of Johor. Most likely can't even wait for the general election. What to do...

Marching with the pot belly pig

So, looks like we are going to have another Bersih rally.

Honestly, I'm not surprised.

The Pakatan people need to keep the people interested in their bullshit. That's why they are going to have all these rallies. Lynas la, Chinese education la, Pengerang la, ya di da ya di da....

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that it's all just to counter BN's momentum of support which is snowballing as the general election comes ever nearer.

All those talks about environment ka, electoral reform ka, whatever ka are all bullshit, ok? All that matter is for them to topple the BN government.

Najib can follow whatever they say or give whatever they want, and still they will not stop the nonsense because those things about environmental protection, better electoral system or whatever else are not what they really want. What they want is power. That's all that they want. The rest - let me repeat, are all BULLSHIT.

Sorry aarr, today I feel like being harsh a bit. Bad mood leh. Nobody seems to love me today....never mind.

Ok, do you all think they will be happy if the Parliament Select Committee adopted all their demands, even those which doesn't make sense?

Come on la, let's get real. They will just come out with another excuse to have their happy happy rallies. That one they say only la. Really. Up to you all la want to believe or not, but that's how I see these people and their nonsense.

To me, it's the only way for them to keep themselves relevant as the general election draws near.

Well, you all just wait and see. My prediction is that, this is going to be the story line -

They are going to demand to make noise at the Dataran Merdeka. The authorities will say no and proposed for them to have it at the Shah Alam Stadium. All sorts of nonsense will follow. Demand to see the Yang DiPertuan Agong, meeting with the PM, meeting with the police etc etc. In the end, they will still go and have their hu ha hu ha in downtown KL so that they can have that dramatic effect. Police going to fire a few tear gas and a bit of water cannon. Then they are going to claim that the police are brutal, the government despotic etc etc. Marina Mahathir also going to have some fun promoting herself as a cool liberal, something like that daughter of Fidel Castro. Well, to cut it short, the whole circus again lah.

But, really la. Do you all think the ordinary people will be impressed ka with all these crap? I mean, for those people who lead an ordinary life, work hard for a living, thankful for what they have, and grateful for the good life that they have in this country. The Pakatan people keep saying our country is so bad that it's like Zimbabwe. Really ka? That bad ka? How many of those Pakatan people have ever been to Zimbabwe to make the comparison?

Our electoral system so corrupt ka? Is it like North Korea? Or is it like China? Errr...China, the next number one world economy got election ka? Eh, you all check yourself lah.

Eeeerrr....the funny title....eerrr, that one I simply simply put only. Just for fun. hehehehehe
You all remember this nice looking pot belly pig or not? Familiar or not?
Nice piggy piggy :-)

Non-political weather forecast

Non-political weather forecast

It's mostly cloudy out there. Temperture about 29 degrees Celcius. Probably it's going to rain soon.

Down in JB it's about the same.

I will probably have to drive in the rain later. Should had changed those front tyres. Botak already.

In the East Coast it's slightly sunnier at my favourite town. Temperture about the same too.

Up north from our shores, it's also cloudy in Taipei. Between 17 and 27 degrees Celcius. Normal early spring I guess.

Even further up north, in a place where I wish I am now, it's raining with temperture between 3 and 7 degrees Celcius. It's however going to be sunny there over the next four days. Very good :-)

Well, I'm just feeling nostalgic today. Really not looking forward to drive back to JB later in the day.

Wish I can stay here and be happy. No political bullshits to deal with.

Sorry ya, I'm still in the rambling mood.

Take care everyone.
The writings of a tired cat

The writings of a tired cat

On the move. Been a very tiring day. No energy to think what to write.

So, for tonight I think I just comment a bit a bit on what those on my blog roll wrote in their latest posting.

Here are my take on the latest five postings by them -

1. Apanama - About Malaysiakini intentionally misrepresenting a statement by MACC about the AG Chamber. I don't really understand why people want to subscribe to Malaysiakini. The reporting is blatantly one sided and with clear cut agenda to undermine what ever is good about this country. If you are so gian to read pro-Pakatan bullshit, read Malaysian Insider. At least you don't pay to get conned. That makes you only half stupid.

2. Alizul - The five most wierd fast food joints in the world. I always like reading Alizul's infomative postings. A break from the usual politics nonsense.

3. Economics Malaysia - He wrote about ETP and GTP reports. Sorry, EM, I look at the title and decided to read it later. Too tired lah to read all those complicated reports now. Later ya...

4. Another Brick in the Wall - About Ku Li. Well, nothing new about this PM wannabe prince. Never tired one this guy. Over 70 already, still at it. Let him be lah. Wasting saliva only if want to talk about this type of Malay leaders.

5. Che Det - The handsome old man went to great length explaining some Islamic religious matter raised by one of his readers. It's amazing that he still takes the trouble to do that. If I'm of his age, I don't think I can be bothered anymore. May Allah bless Tun M. He may not be an ulama or ustaz, but he definitely don't get caught in a hotel room with other people's wife or some cute foreign prostitute.

Still can't post pictures or video clips. Can't even make links. No time to go to cybercafe to do proper posting. Have to use this useless old netbook again.

I actually feels like writing about the Dong Zong president and his fake credentials, but not on this netbook. Anyway, that one kudos to SatD. He is the one in my blog roll who first got the story. I pity the Chinese educationists, they are led by such conmen against people like SatD. I hope the Chinese ultra warrior shuzheng, who is also in my blog roll can write about that issue too. I defend Chinese schools, not appreciated, so, let a hanyu expert defend the Dong Zong boss la.

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