Fashion Dress in The Present: Thoughts
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Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts

Pink Flowers Via The Photographer Rookie

I have been wanting to buy a better camera lens for MONTHS, and finally took the plunge this week investing in a Canon 1.8 50mm lens and Canon EF-EOS M mount adapter for my Canon EOS M. I am trying my hand at more personal photography, I love creating images so much - but - big but - I am starting from scratch! This really is a journey of trial and error . . . ! Today is the first day I've been trialling my new lens. Given that I am currently rocking a wet plait, no makeup, beige outfit getup I'm resisting shooting an outfit post - although oh my gosh I am SO excited for the first one using the new lens - instead I've been pottering around my parents' garden taking images of my Dad's pride and joy - his flowers. I am a HUGE flower lover myself and so snapping away his Summer's efforts was a complete pleasure. 

Read on for more of my rookie pics . . . you even get to see my cute pup Barney for the first time!

Part of being a blogger, working for yourself, creating your own content is evolving -  responding and improving on things you do. I myself can be resistant to change - 'researching' forever and not committing. Whilst seeking background information on investments - like a camera lens - is definitely advisable, procrastinating on things which can improve your business is not. I am so glad I made the investment.


Do you guys find yourselves mulling things over for too long? What has been your best 'deep breath  - just do it!' investment? 

This weekend I am spending time with my family as Oli is away. I am so looking forward to trying the burgers here - I have heard they are amazing. 

Have an awesome time all!


MB x

5 Appliances That Have Changed My Life

OK so let's talk appliances . . . sexy right?!

I jest, but I realised this morning - when using number one on my list - that there are certain appliances I use daily which make my life better; in fact, they have CHANGED my life for the better.  Here's my run down of five appliances I use daily; what they do, why I'm recommending them and how you can get your hands on them. 

Kenwood Smoothie 2 Go Blender: My parents have had a Kenwood Smoothie 2 Go for years and in the interim of moving in with Oli, when I briefly moved back home, I got hooked on making daily juices. Oli and I recently bought our own and I have not failed to make a juice every day since - in fact I'm drinking a green juice as I type! The Kenwood Smoothie 2 Go is one of the cheapest on the market and as far as I can tell, does a darn good job at what a lot of other blenders and juicers do for a lot more money. It is SO easy to use and comes with a couple of 'takeaway' mugs so you can easily transport your juices, soups or smoothies - you got it - on the go! 

Parlux 3200 Compact Hairdryer: There are definitely perks to having a boyfriend who is a hairdresser, one of the best being the insider know how of products and appliances. Oli bought me the Parlux 3200 Compact Hairdryer a couple of years ago and it has completely revolutionised my hair drying experience - it is SO fast, and the nozzle makes it so easy to get a smooth blow dry. It works particularly well when combined with . . . 

Classic GHD Ceramic Styler: I have been using the GHD ceramic styler since my teens, and I honestly don't think that now I could survive doing my hair without them! From poker straight disco do's of the early 2000's, to my love affair with a tumbling curl, the classic GHD ceramic styler nails it all. 

Phillips PerfectCare Xpress Iron: This my friends is THE. best. iron. ever. On first try it feels a little bizarre - there is no temperature dial and so the Phillips PerfectCare Iron responds to whichever fabric you are ironing instinctively. I was nervous of using it on silk, however it responds accordingly and does an incredible job. Even friends who have come to stay and have used it are balled over - a good iron may not be the most fun appliance to buy, but it will change the way you care for your clothes.

Bose SoundDock: Oli bought these Bose speakers a few years back, and has used them non stop since. We've been entertaining a lot in our new flat and I love having music on whilst cooking, and then in the background over dinner. The sounds quality is excellent, and easily fills up our living room and kitchen. Warning: the older versions of the Bose SoundDock work with iPhone 4 so make sure to buy whichever version is compatible with your current phone or iPod. 

What do you guys think of my appliance run down? Do you use any of them already; or have recommendations of your own? 

And because I cannot help it, for my fellow Bridesmaids fans . . . 

"What are you - an appliance?!"

Best. Line. Ever.


MB x

Ibiza Inspiration

Hey lovelies!
all images via my Pinterest

Apologies for the radio silence yesterday, I've been swept up in the post-holiday catchups. This weekend I am headed to Ibiza, and I could not be more excited to explore the white isle again. Here are a few images which have been inspiring my mental packing. I love embroidery, off the shoulder items and stacks of bracelets - hippy, colourful, artisan vibes - however I also love this image of a full skirt and relaxed white shirt - a chic day look and nice alternative to the festival-esque style associated with the island. 

Have you guys ever been to Ibiza? What's your favourite kinda beachy style? 

Have a super day all!


MB x

5 Links For Smiles and Inspiration

Well hey there you gorgeous lot! Happy Friday!
Having just returned from hols, I'm feeling refreshed and SO happy to be home. Since finding a space - both for home and work - which feels totally right for me and for Ols, I've been more excited than ever to just spend time HERE. At the end of the week I like to read up on things which I can spend the weekend mulling over, here are 5 Links For Smiles and Inspiration:

Do What You Love: What Do You Love? on APairAndASpireDIY - with risk of sounding like a total fangirl - I find Geneva and her blog SO inspiring! I love her Do What You Love series - it is a massive boost whenever stuck in an "ermm what AM I doing?" moment.

Use Fancy Words with The Everygirl - I adore this series! (Im)maturely I find some words just sound funny, and therefore make me smile, but I also love learning new vocabulary. It's becoming one of my quotidian bookmarks! (Is that the right context?!)
Embellished dress on ASOS Salon. This dress is made to PARTAY! Purchase, grab a cocktail and go. 

Awesome animals on Sarah Yate's Pinterest here and here - because animals are just CUTE. And I am having a lot of puppy-adopting dreams lately - any reading into that?!

@PopulationSalon on Instagram - I recently got my hair dyed in Menorca and after a double visit (wayyy too blonde round 1) I've realised how important it is to have accurate visuals. I love Population Salon's Instagram account for the best balayage around. I only WISH the Sanfrancisco based salon was a little closer to me so I could get my in on the action!

This weekend we have some of our best friends coming to stay, I can't wait to see them as they live quite far away and time together is always precious. 

Hope you guys have great weekend plans too!


MB x

Home Time!

Pic from my Instagram 

Today is our last day in Menorca - we're already planning our return visit (!) - and this evening we are flying home. In the past, when Ols and I have shared our first break of the year, we've been predisposed to completely crashing - like flu-y, bed-resty kinda sickness. This is the first time we've come away relaxed and have fully ENJOYED our holiday start to finish. I would definitely recommend, if you can, getting in the 'holiday psyche' a day or two before you leave. For us we ended up travelling Tuesday - Thursday - this gave us a weekend before and after our holiday to relax, but also one working day to catch up on pressing work. For now we are packing up, getting our last fix of Menorcan brekkie and strolling our favourite streets

See you guys back home!

Have an awesome day, 


MB x 

Weekend Unwind

Alcaufar Vell Gardens

Ols and I have spent the past 24 hours revelling in the beauty of Alcaufar Vell in Menorca. I will be sharing a full diary with you of our time there, but for now these lavender are making me smile, and reminding me - after fretting over some work things - to do this

Have an awesome time guys!


MB x

Colour Happiness

"What colour would you call THIS?" is a favourite discussion of mine. "Is it a raspberry? Beetroot? Or is it like a beetrooty raspberry smoothie kinda shade?" I'm sure my friends LOVE a long chat about that! (Thank you kind friends for putting up with my colour obsessiveness x) The fact is, colour is a reflection of mood, and I find that when I wear certain shades I am as happy as happy can be. Yellow is definitely one of my happy colours. I fell head over heels for the rolling fields of yellow we drove past this weekend. Endless stretches of a buttercup hue (or is it canary?!) had me smiling ear to ear, and just feeling, well, happy.
 Read on for a ton more pics and a STEAL of an excuse to dress up this Summer . . .
Trainers: Converse Jack Purcell, Shirt: YMC Mens, Dress: Tu, Bag: Primark, Belt: Vintage

We are chatting a lot about happy colours on The Elgin Avenue this week! Remember Monday's hot pink number?

Tell me guys, what's your favourite hue?

On a whole other tangent today I'm meeting with the lovely team from the Grange Park Opera. For the very first time I'll be attending the opera this season and I am SO excited. The Grange Park Opera have a special discount for the under 30's - with some tickets going for £30 or even free! Check here for details.

Righto I'm off to chat Opera dresses . . .

Have a super day all!


MB x 

Game Face

In the grand scheme of things I KNOW that moving apartments, sorting out new living spaces and unpacking years of stuff takes time, but STILL it can be so frustrating. This morning I majorly needed to get out of the house. Following a caffeine kick I took a step back, thought about this mantra, and headed home to crack on with things. Now my mess is an organised one (big difference!) and I'm narrowing down the search for the perfect clothing storage. I'm planning a big sale of my clothes too - I am SO excited for this, stay tuned!

As part of my new life organisation I've had my MacBook wiped back to basics. It's lost some of its functionality in the short run so it's iPhone pics all the way . . . !

 With all the home work that's going on my uniform right now is denim + 'x' - 'x' today being a breton tunic. Tomorrow I'm back to back with meetings so may even break the denim cycle - wish me luck!
Jeans: 'Jamie' Style Topshop, Tunic: Aubin & Wills, Trainers: Jack Purcell Converse, Bag: Chanel, Sunglasses: Gant

What is your uniform right now?

Have a super day all!


MB x

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